Car Accidents

Washington DC Car Accident Lawyer


Over the years, statistics have shown us that traffic injuries and fatalities in Washington, D.C. are on the rise. Although these statistics also show us that the majority of crashes that occur are fender-benders, some of these accidents are incredibly serious in nature. Car accidents in the District of Columbia happen for many reasons including, but not limited to distracted driving, drunk driving, and speeding. Many of these accidents could be prevented if drivers paid close attention to their surroundings and abided by the rules of the road at all times.

Our Washington DC car accident lawyers at Fay Law Group understand how challenging it can be to be involved in a motor vehicle accident. After the accident, there are many complex legal steps that need to be taken to preserve your rights to bring a claim against the at-fault party. If you or a loved one have been injured by a negligent party in a motor vehicle accident, you deserve compensation for your losses under the District of Columbia law. Our experienced car accident lawyers in Washington DC can handle the legal complexities of your case so you can focus on healing.

Learn more about what to do after a traffic accident by calling our Washington DC car accident attorneys at (202) 589-1300 to schedule a free initial consultation.

Maryland Statute of Limitations for Car Accident Claims

In Maryland, car accident victims have three years from the date of the incident to file a car accident claim. It's important for car accident victims to take their claims seriously and ensure that all paperwork is filled out within that three-year period, as any suits or settlements outside of those statute limits could be dismissed in court. If you have been involved in a car accident in Maryland, it's imperative that you contact a Washington DC car accident lawyer immediately to protect your rights and get the compensation you deserve.

Is Maryland a No-Fault State for Car Accidents?

Maryland is one of the no-fault states when it comes to car accidents, meaning that drivers in the state can generally make claims against their insurance policies regardless of who's at fault for the accident. In no-fault states, those involved in a car accident are unable to take legal action against the negligent driver unless their injuries meet the threshold set by no-fault laws. This means that drivers in Maryland must pursue compensation through their medical and auto insurance companies instead of taking someone else to court.

When Should You Call an Attorney for a Car Accident?

If you have been involved in a car accident, it’s important to call an experienced car accident lawyer in Washington DC as soon as possible. Our professionals can help you navigate the complicated process of insurance claims and court proceedings, and make sure your rights are protected when dealing with aggressive insurers or irresponsible parties. In addition, our car accident attorneys in DC also provide invaluable advice and assistance in filing necessary paperwork in a timely manner.

Why Should You Hire a Lawyer After a Washington, D.C. Car Accident? 

While it is not a legal requirement to have a lawyer for a car accident in Maryland and Washington D.C., it is highly advisable to consider consulting with an attorney, especially if the accident resulted in significant injuries, property damage, or disputes over liability.

Here are some reasons why seeking legal counsel after a car accident can be beneficial:

  • Legal Expertise: A knowledgeable attorney can guide you through the legal process, explain your rights, and help you understand the complexities of laws regarding car accidents and insurance claims.
  • Navigating Insurance Claims: Dealing with insurance companies can be challenging, especially when it comes to negotiating fair compensation for your injuries and damages. An attorney can handle communications with insurance adjusters on your behalf and work to ensure you receive the appropriate compensation.
  • Determining Liability: Establishing fault in a car accident is crucial for determining who is responsible for covering damages. An attorney can investigate the circumstances of the accident, gather evidence, and determine liability to support your case.
  • Maximizing Compensation: A skilled attorney can assess the full extent of your damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future costs, to help you seek maximum compensation for your losses

At Fay Law Group, our Washington D.C. car accident attorneys understand the turmoil you may be facing after your accident. We have been actively and aggressively defending the rights of clients in Maryland and the District of Columbia with proven results for over 50 years. We will tackle the legal procedures in your case and provide you with prompt and courteous communication, client-centered service, and compassionate care.

Obtaining Proper Compensation

The Washington DC car wreck lawyers at Fay Law Group are familiar with the many aspects of a car accident claim and can assist you to achieve the compensation you deserve by engaging in the following legal procedures:

  • Negotiating with the defendant’s insurance company
  • A full investigation into the details of the motor vehicle accident 
  • Employing leading experts to aid in the investigation
  • Obtaining all the necessary evidence to prove that the other party is liable
  • Identifying any potential witnesses and obtaining their statements
  • Obtain and evaluate your medical bills and lost wages
  • Investigating your injuries and diagnosis to prove your claim
  • Negotiating with the at-fault party’s legal representative
  • Completing all necessary legal documents
  • Meeting court filing and appearance deadlines
  • Preparing you for the settlement process

There are many reasons why having an experienced attorney will help you obtain the maximum settlement under Washington, D.C. law.

As the case advances, we will prepare you for each phase of the settlement or litigation as it becomes necessary. Our DC car accident attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, which means you do not have any fees when you retain the services of our firm. You will only pay fees when you have received monetary damages in your case.

If you are in need of direct help with your personal injury claim after a auto accident, our attorneys at Fay Law Group are waiting to take your call.

Assisting You in Negotiations with Insurance Companies in Maryland

We will negotiate on your behalf with the insurance company or attorney for the at-fault party to preserve your rights to file a case, should the settlement offer from either party not be sufficient. Negotiating with the at-fault’s insurance company may seem like they are negotiating in your best interest. Insurance companies are in the business of making money, not paying a deserving amount on accident claims. They will negotiate a lower amount than you could be entitled to under Washington, D.C. law and will present a settlement offer to you quickly after the accident, as they know you are under stress to pay for the damages and medical bills you may be facing.

Our firm can analyze the settlement and ensure you will receive proper compensation to cover your medical bills and other damages to which you may be entitled. Your options will be clearly explained to you in order for you to make an informed decision regarding the settlement.

You should always consult with a Washington D.C. car accident lawyer before negotiating with an insurance company or the defendant’s legal representative.

Types of Damages in a Personal Injury Claim

There are two types of damages that you will likely receive in your accident case: punitive or compensatory damages.

  • Compensatory Damages: Compensatory damages are broken down into two subsets – economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages are direct expenses, such as medical bills (past, present, and future) and loss of wages. Non-economic damages are harder to calculate and based on the losses and harms suffered; for instance, pain and suffering, disability, and loss of consortium.
  • Punitive Damages: Punitive damages are rarely awarded in personal injury claims. These are reserved for conduct by companies deemed as egregious. It is used to punish companies for their conduct and deter them from acting the same way in the future.

If you've been injured in a Washington D.C. car accident, speak with us as soon as possible so that you can maintain your rights at (202) 589-1300


It is critical to seek medical attention following a crash.  Another reason to pursue medical attention is to make a care plan and document the harm that you sustained in the accident.  With a care plan, you can seek to recover as fast as possible and respond in the most prudent fashion to your injuries. This helps to build your case in order to recover the most monetary damages as possible.

Causes of Motor Vehicle Accidents

Various types of accidents take place in Washington, D.C. on the roads and highways every single day. Some of the most common types include, but are not limited to:  

  • Distracted Driving: Distracted driving claimed approximately 3,100 lives across the United States alone in 2017. A distracted driver could be engaging in any activity that takes their attention away from the roadways. These include talking on your cellphone, speaking with passengers in the vehicle, eating while driving, fiddling with the radio or GPS, or other related acts. Accidents can happen instantly if you take your attention off the road, which is the reason they should be avoided. 
  • Driving Under the Influence: Drunk driving is one of the leading causes of fatal accidents in the U.S. Alcohol and drugs can reduce the function of your brain, impair your thinking and judgment, and also affect your muscle coordination while you are trying to navigate the roads in your vehicle. This can lead to an extremely dangerous situation. DUI is illegal and leads to harsh punishments and high fines.
  • Product Liability: Defective parts in a vehicle or the vehicle in whole, can lead to motor vehicle accidents. In these cases, you might find that the designer or manufacturer of a vehicle has a duty of care that has been neglected and would liable for your injury claim rather than a driver. 
  • Driving Conditions: The conditions of a roadway or inclement weather at the time of the motor vehicle accident can lead to serious accidents. Drivers are still required to exercise caution on our roads at all times, but municipalities sometimes fall liable for these accidents if it was their responsibility to maintain the roads. 
  • Reckless Driving: Reckless driving accidents are some of the most common accidents on our roads. They take place due to acts of speeding above the posted limit, tailgating or following another vehicle too closely, running red lights and stop signs, or engaging in road rage among other reasons. 

Steps You Should Take After an Auto Accident in Washington D.C.

After you have been involved in an accident, you may need direction as to your next steps. Your safety, health, and well-being should be your top priority. The first thing that you should always do is check to see if you or any other parties involved in the accident were injured. The following are important steps that we suggest you take immediately after you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident:

  • Collect Contact Information: Contact information should be collected from all drivers involved in the accident or any witnesses that may be present. The information that should be collected includes, but is not limited to driver’s license information, including full name, address, and DL number; insurance company name and policy number; license plate numbers from all involved vehicles; vehicle information – make, model, color, and any damages; and, the location of the incident. Never discuss fault with another driver, as your attorney and insurance company can discuss these matters privately. 
  • Take Photographs: Photographs are some of the best evidence you can obtain, as they show the scene exactly as it appeared at the time of the incident. You should always attempt to capture the accident from different angles and show the damages that have been done to both vehicles. It would also be diligent to take photos of all documents presented to you for information, such as driver’s licenses and insurance papers. These photographs can then be shared with your attorney and insurer through the claims process, as they may be invaluable in determining fault. 
  • Seek Medical Attention: If there are obvious injuries at the scene, it is important to call 911 immediately or ask another person to do so if you are not able. If you or anybody has been seriously injured, try not to move and wait for emergency responders. You should always go to the hospital even if you feel you have not sustained an injury. Some injuries take time to appear, so you should be evaluated to protect your health as well as justify your claim.
  • Obtain Police Report: If a police officer is not dispatched to the scene of your accident, you should go to the nearest police station and complete a motor vehicle accident report. If a police officer is present at the scene, they will complete a police report that you or your attorney can later request to assist you with the claims process. 
  • Contact Your Insurance Company: It is important to contact your insurance company to provide them with the information you have collected and to file a claim for your damages. However, you should speak with your attorney before contacting the insurance company. They will likely handle this step on your behalf. 
  • Contact an Attorney: An experienced car accident attorney in Washington DC will assist with ensuring your legal rights are protected. Your attorney will advise you as to the next steps you will need to handle. They will work with the insurance companies and the defendant’s attorney to negotiate the maximum compensation allowed under Washington, D.C. law.

Work with Our Washington D.C. Car Accident Attorney

The court system, insurance companies, and the other party’s attorney can make a stressful situation even more worrisome for you. It is imperative that you choose a legal advocate who can protect your rights and offer you the assistance you deserve when an accident has taken a toll on your life. At Fay Law Group, we are here to hold a liable party accountable for their actions and help you gain proven case results in your claim. We have over 50 years of experience assisting clients throughout the Washington, D.C. area successfully triumph in their cases. There are no upfront fees or costs to start your case. We work on a contingency basis, so we do not receive fees or costs unless we help you obtain monetary compensation from a settlement or litigation.

Injured in a car accident? Please contact one of our Washington, D.C. car accident lawyers immediately at (202) 589-1300 to get started on your claim.


Why Choose Fay Law Group

  • Free Initial Consultations
  • Phone Answered 24 Hours a Day
  • No Fees Unless We Win
  • Services Available in Spanish
  • Over 50 Years of Experience


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